Lucia Falls Regional Park
Small falls roar come winter
Quick Facts:
Location: East Fork Lewis River, Clark County WA
Land Agency: Clark County Parks
Round Trip: 1.0 mile
Elevation Gain: 60 feet
Contact: Clark County Parks
Detailed Information: Urban Trails Vancouver WA (Mountaineers Books)
Notes: Dogs permitted on leash. Park is open 7 am until dusk
Access: From Battle Ground Washington head north on SR 503 and drive north 5.6 miles turning right onto Rock Creek Road (which eventually becomes Lucia Falls Road). Continue east for 5.0 miles to park and trailhead.
Good to Know: kid-friendly, snow free winter hikes, dog-friendly
Lucia Falls may be small, but when autumn and winter rains swell the East Fork Lewis River, they roar. Walk a delightful one mile easy loop passing stately conifers and oaks en route to the falls. Lucia Falls takes its name from a sawmill that was established in the 1880s by Eugene Semple, Washington’s last territorial governor. Semple had his Lucia Mills operation in Vancouver and then later just upstream from the falls.
The 15 foot falls formed by an old basalt flow are the centerpiece to this small 22-acre park. But for years it was salmon and steelhead runs that drew visitors to this spot. For more than 60 years Lucia Falls was a private park known for its fishing. Today however the diminished salmon and steelhead runs that make their way over the falls are protected at the falls from fishing. In fact, all of the river waters in the park are closed to all contact from humans and pets to protect this sensitive habitat. Admire the falls and fish from the trail and if you venture out on the ledges, use extreme caution.
The one mile loop trail slopes west down to a meadow after crossing a small creek. It then heads along the river. The eastern end of the loop meanders through open forest passing a short-cut before swinging around to follow the East Fork Lewis downriver to the falls. The falls are best viewed during the rainy months and steelhead run in both winter and summer.
For detailed descriptions (including maps) for this hike as well as others in Battle Ground, Camas, Vancouver and the Yacolt Burn State Forest, pick up a copy of my best selling Urban Trails Vancouver WA (Mountaineers Books).